Do I have Trauma?
Jennifer Street

Let's talk for a minute about trauma.

Trauma is a buzzword in today's society and many of us don't have any idea whether or not we have experienced trauma or not. There's a myth that you only have trauma if you've been to combat, or that PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder) only happens when you’ve experienced severe domestic violence or something extreme.

There Are Two Kinds of Trauma

There are actually two kinds of trauma. There's “Big T” trauma and “Little T” trauma. Trauma can be anything that happens in your life that replays on loop in your mind and causes you distress. It’s also something that potentially needs to be treated. Now when I say ‘treated’, I mean an intervention to stop the replay of the images - or the sounds or the smells or the thoughts - about the event that are causing you distress.

Consider this. If your life were a movie, any clip of that movie that replays and causes you distress can be resolved through some really amazing therapeutic techniques. I always say, if something's still bothering you, why live with it? The good news is you don’t have to!

Let Breaking Free Solutions Help

We can help you with those “Big T” traumas or those “Little t” traumas that you didn't even know were still impacting you and even your relationships. Two incredible options to address trauma are Accelerated Resolution Therapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Resolution). We have therapists licensed in both and would love to answer your questions and help you get started.

Have Questions? Ready To Get Started?

Get in touch.



101 W Renner Rd, Suite 220

Richardson, TX 75082


6160 Warren Pkwy, Suite 100

Frisco, TX 75034


4306 Yoakum Blvd, Suite 570

Houston TX 77006

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